Friday, January 10, 2025

Trump politicizes California's fire disaster

As Los Angeles and environs suffer from unprecedented winter forest fires - currently at least 10 dead and over 10,000 buildings burned down, with no end in sight - Donald Trump has decided to weigh in with his explanation of it all.

Apparently, it's not due to Santa Ana winds and climate change at all, it's all due to Democratic California Governor Gavin Newsom and his misplaced concern for a small worthless fish.

You see, according to Trump, there is a mysterious "very large faucet" somewhere in the Rocky Mountains, that would allow millions of gallons of "excess" water to flow down into California from Canada and the north of the US, but Governor Newsom ("Newscum", as Trump insists on calling him, in his usual pre-school manner) refuses to sign a "water restoration declaration" that would allow this because he is unduly concerned about an endangered fish called the delta smelt. "He is the blame for this".

If all this seems improbable, that's because it is in fact a load of old cobblers. As Oregon's state climatologist says, "There is indeed no such diversion system, and none has been seriously proposed that I am aware of".

So, Trump has basically made something up (or someone has made it up for him, let's not give him too much credit!) in order to politicize a natural disaster that he should be expressing concern over. This is who you have elected, America.


Others in MAGAland have chosen to blame the fact that LA's fire department is run by women, who, presumably, are too dumb to carry out such a responsible job. (Trump will probably amplify that too when he finds out about it.). According to another MAGA commentator, it's even worse: the fire department leaders are not just women, but lesbians!

Fire chief Kristin Crowley is indeed a woman, but only 3 of the 12 top officials in LAFD are female (I have no idea if they are lesbians, but maybe!), so it's a bit of a stretch, to say the least. As to why a woman would not be able to do the job perfectly well is not explained, apparently being axiomatic for many of the post's readers.

Not to be outdone, of course, Elon Musk had to make his opinion known, and his take is that it is all those black firefighters and California's woke DEI policies that are to blame. *sigh*

Donald Trump Jr.'s considered opinion is that the fires are down to woke California's support for Ukraine. This might sound like a particularly difficult logical deduction, but Trump Jr. can do that kind of extreme mental gymnastics.

California did indeed make some donations of firefighting equipment to Ukraine back in 2022, but no-one else has managed to make the quantum leap of logic to connect that to the current extreme forest fire situation. Well done, Donny.

Los Angeles' fire chief has specifically said that equipment is not the issue, although personnel to use the equipment maybe is. And, more to the point, no firefighting equipment or personnel would be sufficient to deal with fires of this magnitude.

In fact, there are now so many weird far-right beliefs being disseminated that Governor Gavin Newsom has had to create a whole website with which to refute them. How much time and effort gets wasted by these clowns, who seem to have nothing better to do than to make stuff up!

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