Wednesday, January 01, 2025

Thailand's sustainable fireworks display

Happy New Year!

I see that Thailand is ringing in the new year with a big fireworks display in Bangkok which it is touting as "sustainable" and "eco-friendly". Sustainable fireworks? Really?

Apparently, these fireworks are produced, in partnership with Japanese pyrotechnics master Okushi Yashimasa, using Thai sticky rice (I kid you not!), which they say reduces the carbon dioxide emissions and creates less smoke. It all sound a bit improbable to me, I have to say. 2025's first act of greenwashing?

Furthermore, the fireworks display is presented in "six acts", with titles like "Vibrant spectrum of Thai wisdom", "Luminous jewel of Thai heritage", etc. Talk about pretentious!

It all looks very pretty (you can see highlights on YouTube). But it does just look like every other fireworks display you've ever seen.

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