Monday, December 30, 2024

American EV sales increase while gas car sales decrease

By now, we're well used to the narrative that electric vehicle (EV) sales in the USA have sputtered to an ignominious halt in recent months and years (here's just one example, from a reasonably reputable outfit). Many, if not most, American car manufacturers are cutting back on their EV investments and production schedules, which will probably compound the problem. It's all part of the Republican-led backlash against electric vehicles, green energy and anything vaguely progressive in nature.

Except that it may not actually be true. The latest of Clean Technica's regular reports on the US automobile market show that EV sales continue to increase while ICE (internal combustion engine, i.e. gasoline-powered) cars show a slight downturn.

Quarter 3 (Q3) of 2024 compared to Q3 of 2023 shows that EVs enjoyed a healthy 8% increase in the last year, while ICE vehicles suffered a slight decline (about 1%) over the same period. Compared to Q3 of pre-pandemic 2019, EV sales have increased by a whopping 474%, while ICE cars have actually seen a 15% decline.

Not quite what we are led to believe by the propaganda. Clean Technica is not the only one to point out this discrepancy in media reporting. Yes, EVs are starting from a much smaller base (especially when considering pre-pandemic 2019, when the technology was really still in it's infancy), and yes, the rate of increase is slowing. But let's at least tell it like it is.

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