Sunday, January 12, 2025

Musings on the state of the world (and my place in it)

I was just thinking - in an absent, abstract sort of a way, during one of my many sleepless nights - about the state of the world. And it's not good, obvo.

The Four Horsemen are abroad (conquest, war, famine and death, if you are counting), and quite possibly the Antichrist. Perhaps the Four Horsemen could be re-cast slightly for the modern day as War, Plague, Ignorance and Right-Wing Populism, but you get the idea. And the Antichrist? That would be Donald Trump, enabler-in-chief of many of the ills besetting the world today. The Gates of Hell are open, and the demons are loose.

As we register the hottest year ever (yet again!) and swathes of America are burning in the middle of winter, political leaders - and a frightening number of regular folks who sleepwalk along with them like rats with the Pied Piper - are assuring us that we don't need to do anything about it. Even as we speak, climate change policies are being dismantled, subsidies for clean energy and sustainable tech disbanded, fossil fuels given a new lease on life.

Companies are rewriting their rules on diversity, equity and inclusion, even on telling the truth, because, with Trump in charge, they don't need to think about such things. Hard-fought rights, achieved through decades of slow, painstaking effort, are being abandoned overnight. Truth, respect and common sense have never been so imperilled and devalued. 

It seems like Trump, Musk and the MAGA crowd are redefining social more and economic expectations everywhere, and right-wing populist acolytes in other countries (Poilievre, Farage, Meloni, Orban, Wilder, Le Pen, Modi, many others) are calling the shots, suddenly lent legitimacy by the hateful rhetoric and thoughtless policy-making of Trump and his lackeys.

The Overton window has lurched to the right in an unprecedented manner (unprecedented since the 1930s anyway). For the right wing, almost nothing is off the table, nothing considered too extreme. Even progressives are making pronouncements that would have been unimaginable just a few short years ago, walking back policies they once saw as essential, incontrovertible, in the face of the anti-woke backlash. And it has happened so fast, it has almost happened while no-one was looking.

All of this is going on at the same time as power-mad war-mongers like Putin and Netanyahu hold sway, and autocratics like Xi make their subtler moves to mould the world in their favour. Coincidence? I guess so, or maybe each leads the others on, in a kind of feedback loop.

Maybe it is the inexorable back-and-forth swing of history. Maybe it is merely the influence of one particularly forceful demagogue, who will fade into senescence and obscurity in just a few short years. Or maybe it is the new paradigm that we need to come to terms with and accommodate. 

I would hate for the latter to be true, though. I'm an older guy, and I feel pretty powerless and discouraged. I just feel like crawling into a shell and waiting it out. The older I get the more cynical I become about the world and the people in it. 

But I have to believe that a new generation of idealists is growing up, incensed at the direction the world is going, and the alarming way it is wobbling on it axis. I was once that idealist, although it seems like a very long time ago that I had the energy. 

Maybe this is just me capitulating and throwing in the towel. But I feel like all I am able to do nowadays is to just live as exemplary a life as I can, in my own middle-class white-guy way - drive my electric car, keep my solar panels clean, buy carbon offsets when I fly, donate to charity, try to be nice to all people most of the time, follow the rules if they seem sensible. I know it's not really enough, but I live in hope that some saviour, some anti-Trump, will lead us out of this soon.

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