The Taliban in Afghanistan are starting to jump the shark with a series of new proclamations that are pretty hard to take seriously (unless of course you are Afghan, particularly an Afghan woman).
Already banned from showing flesh of any kind, looking at men they are not related to, and singing, reciting and reading aloud in public, a new Taliban edict has now come down disallowing women from being heard at all, even by other women. So, they cannot sing or play music, they cannot hold down a job of any kind, they cannot hold conversations with one another, they cannot even pray or recite Quranic verses:."Even when an adult female prays and another female passes by, she must not pray loudly enough for them to hear".
Because? Well, female voices are potential instruments oftemptation and vice, don't you know?
At the risk of incurring punishments that include beatings, detentions, torture, rape and even death, Aghan women are gradually being completely erased.
For what it's worth, men are now obliged to cover their bodies from their navel to their knees when they are outside their home, so no more of that naked shopping, guys! The Taliban's laws are becoming increasingly restrictive and bizarre, some of them worthy of a Monty Python sketch were they not so distressing and sad.
It gets worse! The Taliban has now banned windows that look onto areas where women MIGHT be seen inside their homes. A government spokesman explained: "Seeing women working in kitchens, in courtyards, or collecting water from wells can lead to obscene acts". He didn't elaborate on what kinds of obscene acts such a sighting of a working female might lead to, which is rather disappointing. I'm not sure even Monty Python could have thought up some of this stuff.
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