Wednesday, January 15, 2025

A moth that build a log cabin

There are some pretty strange critters out there with some pretty bizarre habits. But a new one to me is the Bagworm Moth (Psychidae), whose caterpillar saws little twigs and sticks and builds them into miniature log cabins for themselves.

Neat, huh? The log cabins are even mobile and move around with the caterpillars. The logs are held together with silk that the caterpillars produce, and they actually build the edifice on their own backs.

Interestingly, only the males of the species transform into adult moths. The females stay in a mature larval state, and never grow wings and legs like the males. The males only live for a few days after mating, although the females live longer while her duties call. The eggs stay safe and warn in the log cabin, while the females tend them. 


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