Saturday, July 16, 2022

No, green policies did not lead to Sri Lanka crisis, Tucker

Sri Lanka has been going through a horrible time recently (and not just recently, for that matter), as the country implodes economically and politically. There are many reasons for the current crisis - bad economic decisions, global supply problems and raging inflation, among them - many of them going back years. The abdication of the Rajapaksa family will help, but there are many more corrupt politicians still there.

What's interesting is that many right-wing commentators and climate change sceptics, both within Sri Lanka and abroad (looking at you, Tucker Carlson!) seems to have latched on to one reason in particular, almost to the exclusion of all else: environmental policies. Headlines like "Green policies destroyed a once great economy" and "Entire country collapses because of green new deal" (the latter from Fox News, in a not-so-subtle attempt to link it with US Democrats' Green New Deal) have hit the internet and the TV networks. Except that ... that's probably nothing to do with Sri Lanka's main problems.

Yes, back in April 2021, President Gotobaya Rajapaksa tried to bring in a ban on all chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides overnight, which is not really how these things work, and this led to reduced crop yields, price rises and shortages, and some very irate farmers. But this policy was reversed just seven months later, and has had little if anything to do with the rising prices and food and fuel shortages that gave rise to the most recent protests and political turmoil. Bad economic policies in general, a decimated tourism industry, big tax cuts, and an ill-advised infrastructure deal with China (and the resultant crippling foreign debt) are more immediate culprits. 

But don't let inconvenient facts hold you back, Tucker.

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