Wednesday, August 26, 2020

RNC video of "Biden's America" is actually "Trump's Spain"

The 2020 Republican National Convention (RNC) has been a continuing source of amusement and embarraassment. It is essentially a distillation of the last four miserable years of Trump's mismanagement, with all the lies, mistruths and misleading statements that have made it up. Mike Pence, Mike Pompeo, and any number of Trump relatives and hangers on, have expatiated at great length on the wonders of Donald Trump and how his policies have improved the lives of the American people and made the world a better and safer place. They say it all with such apparent conviction, and with no reigning in by fact-checking, that many people will probably believe them. Trump's own concluding speech was a tour-de-force of barefaced lies, unjustified speculation and interminable repetition.
One of my favourite parts of the RNC, though, was the video clip of rioting and burning streets which the voiceover tells us is a "taste of Biden's America" (given that Trump, not Biden, has been president for the last four years, wouldn't it actually be a vision of Trump's America?)
Even better, though, it turns out that the video footage was actually from Barcelona, Spain, taken during the 2019 Catalonia separatist riots, and freely available on Shutterstock.
Way to go, guys!

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