Friday, April 24, 2020

How did Trump come up with bleach as a miracle cure for COVID-19?

In a testament to the almost child-like gullibility of the man who calls himself the leader of the free world, Donald Trump was publicly touting this week's miracle cure: bleach. Yup, regular household chlorine dioxide. You know, the poisonous stuff.
Now, how would such a bizarre idea enter that jumbled, topsy-turvy brain of his? Well, it turns out that just a few days before, Trump received a letter from Mark Grenon, the self-styled "archbishop" of Genesis II. Genesis II purports to be a church, but is in actual fact the producer and commercial distributor of bleach as a "miracle mineral solution" (MMS), a cure for 99% of all illnesses, including but by no means limited to cancer, malaria, HIV/AIDS, autism, and now COVID-19. Drinking just three to six drops in water will cure all these things, "in a minute!", as Trump says. It's surprising that all those eggheads in the CDC didn't figure it out for themselves. In fact, Trump added in his own idea of injecting it into the lungs of COVID-19 sufferers, something that even Grenon's diseased imagination failed to come up with.
Trump's rabid prime-time advice also just happened to come just days after the US Food and Drug Administration obtained a court injunction against Genesis II, barring it from selling its "unproven and potentially harmful treatment for COVID-19". The FDA also warned the American public not to drink MMS, which is a "dangerous bleach which has caused serious and potentiallty life-threatening side-effects", including nausea, diarrhea, and severe dehydration that can lead to death.
Trump later claimed to having been "sarcastic" with his bleach suggestion, but it sure didn't look that way at the time. And, knowing that Trump supporters are quite capable of following his suggestions, however stupid or dangerous they may seem, the makers of Clorox and Lysol have issued statements warning against ingesting or injecting their products. You know, just in case...

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