Monday, August 26, 2019

If Trump denies suggesting we nuke large hurricanes, he probably did just that

If Donald Trump is vehemently denying something, you can bet your bottom dollar it's probably true. So, when he tweets, "The story by Axios that President Trump wanted to blow up large hurricanes with nuclear weapons prior to reaching shore is ridiculous. I never said this", you have to assume that he did just that.
Not that he'd be the first to suggest it (although he may well have thought so). he first such suggestion came in 1961 from the US Weather Bureau, and various others have resurrected the idea from time to time ever since.
In case you were wondering, a spokesperson from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) makes the terse comment, "Needless to say, this is not a good idea", and goes on to explain that such a plan would cost many millions of dollars, potentially contaminate large areas of the world with radioactive fallout, and would not actually work anyway.

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